10 Aug 2011
Playwright and activist, Eve Enslor, creator of the Vagina Monologues and founder of V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women, takes the opportunity at this TED Talk to advise both women and men to embrace their inner girl. Enslor argues that there is a cell or grouping of cells that exists in both men and women -- she calls it the "girl cell."
According to Enslor, the girl cell is central to the evolution of our species and the continuation of the human race. At some point in history a group of powerful people invested in owning and controlling the world, understood that the suppression, repression and reinterpretation of these particular cells - and getting us to believe in the weakness of these cells, basically began the process of killing of the girl cell, which was patriarchy.
Enslor presents inspiring examples of girls around the world, who under extreme cases of oppression, stood up and took control of their lives.
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