16 Jul 2011
Rupert Murdoch was in London this week trying to neutralize the cell phone hacking scandal engulfing his media corporation.
Following an exposé that journalists from his News of the World newspaper hacked into the cell phone account of a teenage murder victim, amongst others, to embellish media reports, Rupert Murdoch closed down the newspaper.
Despite this radical intervention, whether the power of Rupert Murdoch will be touched is another issue all together.
He still the owns the Daily Sun, Fox News, Fox Media Entertainment and the Wall Street Journal.
Leo Panitch, Professor of Political Science from York University, says that Murdoch's wealth and media power has shaped British politics for 40 years. "Murdoch used sex scandal journalism to attack the left-wing of the Labour Party and later helped create Tony Blair."
Editor's Note: You might also be interested in "The Murdoch Empire Could Be Undone": British Phone-Hacking Scandal May Prompt U.S. Criminal Probe" and "4 Ways the Murdoch Scandal Points To Rot at the Top."
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