Keyword: South Africa

Infighting in the ANC: An Alternative Perspective

Picture: Democracy Now - South African poet and activist, Dennis Brutus, is interviewed by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, a television and radio news program, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the United States and airing on over 700 stations. AMY GOODMAN: In South Africa, the deputy leader of the African National Congress has been chosen to serve as interim president following the resignation of Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki resigned Sunday over allegations of interference in a corruption...

Agent of Change

Dermot Peterson, a youth leader from the town of Atlantis in the Western Cape talks about a community initiative aimed at raising awareness about HIV and AIDS amongst children and teenagers. High levels of poverty and unemployment plague the residents of Atlantis, where many of the young are sexually active. This youth programme employs creative methods to take its message to the children, hoping to instill a more responsible attitude towards sexual activity.

The Apartheid Lawsuit

The Khulumani Support Group made headlines in May this year when it won the right to go to trial with its lawsuit against 23 international companies that aided and abetted the perpetration of human rights violations  carried out by the South African government under apartheid rule. Watch this clip to find who these companies are and how they helped the apartheid state.

A New Twist to the South African Migration Debate

Picture: Sharon Schneider Aurelia Wa Kabwe Segatti - The May 2008 attacks and the responses they have triggered from both Government and South African civil society could well transform the migration debate much more profoundly than first meets the eye.  The South African situation combines an extreme degree of violence (62 deaths for the May events only) with classic migration management “mistakes” observed elsewhere in the world, i.e. a laissez-faire attitude, denial of the gravity, tragic events then forcing Government to...

Joe Slovo Residents Protest

Threatened with mass eviction, the residents of the Joe Slovo settlement in Langa, Cape Town gathered outside of the South African Constitutional Court in Johannesburg on 21 August 2008 to appeal the judgement of High Court Judge Hlophe that would forcibly remove them to Delft, a township on the outskirts of Cape Town, to makeway for the completion of the N2 Gateway Housing Project. The featured clip below (part one), is of an earlier protest at the Cape High Court where residents air their...

South Africa: High Food Prices Affect Nutritional Intake

A South African family changes its shopping and eating habits to cope with the high price of food. For many South Africans, high food prices mean less nutritional choices and in some cases, foregoing meals all together. In the past year, the price of brown bread has gone up by 16 percent making it a luxury item in many homes.