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Fazila Farouk: The Poor are Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change

Video Fazila Farouk, executive director of The South African Civil Society Information Service (SACSIS) opened the SACSIS/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung roundtable discussion on "The Media and Climate Change." The event sought to examine how the South African media is reporting on climate change in the run up to COP17, the United Nations climate conference taking place in Durban from 28 November  to 9 December 2011. SACSIS has an interest in how the media reports on critical development...

David Harvey Speaking at Occupy London's International Day of Solidarity, 12 November 2012

Video David Harvey is a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), Director of The Center for Place, Culture and Politics, and author of numerous books. He has been teaching Karl Marx's Capital for nearly 40 years. Harvey told the audience outside the London Stock Exchange on November 12, 2012, "The problem, I try to say to people…is that you cannot solve the problem of global poverty without going after the accumulation of global wealth. And until you all leave...

Palestine's Green Energy Movement: Tunneling Gaza for a Totally Different Reason

Video As people in Palestine continue to face economic uncertainty and high unemployment, one Palestinian has decided to help by tackling high energy prices.  Entrepreneur Khalid Al Sabawi decided to dig deep down, literally, for solutions. He realized that the most efficient, cost efficient and environmentally friendly answer would be to harness geothermal energy found beneath the ground. Imran Garda of Al Jazeera's "The Stream" talks to Al Sabawi about establishing his green...

Inside Occupy Wall Street Raid: Eyewitnesses Describe Arrests and Beatings as Police Dismantle Camp

Video At 01h00 on 15 November, the Occupy Wall Street encampment was dismantled in a violent raid by the police. The Democracy Now team rushed down to Zuccotti Park in the middle of the night to report on the police crackdown. They were there until the early hours of the morning, witnessing the arrests in the streets in Lower Manhattan, the dismantling of the encampment — and the hauling away of protesters’ belongings. The raid comes just two days before, November 17, which marks the...

Sarkozy's Head Next to Roll after Berlusconi

Video Though France currently boasts an AAA rating and has its debts under reasonable control, domestic issues could knock it off its perch sooner rather than later, argues Hamish McRae, chief economic correspondent of The Independent newspaper. McRae told Russia Today that a French economic collapse could mean that the next head to roll after Silvio Berlusconi's might well be that of Nicholas Sarkozy. © Russia Today

Italian Financial Crisis Prompts Berlusconi's Exit, Escalates Fears of Europe's Next Massive Bailout

Video The European financial crisis continues to worsen as fears grow that Italy may become the latest nation in need of a massive bailout. The European Commission admitted today that the entire eurozone could be plunged into a recession in 2012. While Greece, Ireland and Portugal have already received international bailouts, the debt situation in Italy is considered far more dangerous. It is the eighth largest economy in the world — larger than Greece, Ireland and Portugal combined. On the...