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Over the last 15 years we've seen the emergence and growth of the practice of labour broking in South Africa, which places workers, particularly those employed on the lowest rungs of the South African economy, in a very precarious position with respect to job security and a host of related quality of life indicators. Ighsaan Schroeder of the Casual Workers Advice Office explains Why Cosatu called for a general strike against the practice of labour broking. However, he argues that the trade...
Iceland's former Prime Minister, Geir Haarde, is the only political leader in the world to face prosecution over the financial and banking crisis that hit the world economy. He is in the dock for failing to prevent the 2008 financial crisis that brought Iceland's economy to its knees. According to Omar Vladimarsson of Reuters, "Haarde is charged with gross negligence for failing to take proper measures to prepare for an impending financial crash. He is also accused of failing to...
After having fled economic hardship and political violence in their own country, an estimated 1.5 million Zimbabweans live in South Africa. Millions of migrants in South Africa remain undocumented. Those living with disabilities are amongst the most vulnerable. Out of Sight is a short documentary that explores the lives of blind undocumented Zimbabwean migrants as they try and eke out a living begging on the streets of Johannesburg. © IRIN
Replacing a dictatorship with democracy has proven to be a complicated task for Egyptians, says Al Jazeera's Marwan Bishara. More than a year after Egypt's watershed revolution that brought down dictator Hosni Mubarak, the military is still in power, an interim election handed a two-thirds majority to conservative Islamist political parties in the national assembly, the economy is on the brink of collapse, and the country's internal political debate centers on the adoption of sharia law as a...
The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has begun publishing what it says are 5.5 million emails obtained from the servers of Stratfor, a private U.S.-based intelligence-gathering firm known to some as a "shadow CIA" for corporations and government agencies. The emails were reportedly obtained by the hackers group, Anonymous. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said the files implicate some of the world’s largest firms in corporate espionage. Firms with ties to Stratfor include...
Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, a PhD candidate, is Chairperson of the Post Graduate Association at Wits University and a member of the South African Students Congress (SASCO). He is also a board member of the Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid. Ndlozi delivered a stirring speech at the London chapter of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), which took place from 22-24 February 2012. In his speech he invokes the memory of the late ANC leader, Oliver Tambo, as he draws parallels...