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New Banksy Graffiti Works: Poignant and Defiant Take on Gaza

Picture: Banksy Video Banksy has recently travelled to Gaza. On February 25, the graffiti artist/political activist unveiled his latest project, graffiti art amongst the ruins of Gaza. Alongside his Gaza artworks, Banksy produced the mini-documentary, "Make this the year YOU discover a new destination". Mimicking travel industry blurbs, Banksy's mini-travel documentary parodies tourism in Gaza to expose the cost of Israel's occupation and repeated bombardment of Gaza. Meanwhile, Oxfam has also...

Best of SACSIS: What Would It Take to Defeat ISIS?

Picture: Wikipedia Video Against the backdrop of a South African couple liquidating their assets to travel to Iraq to join the extremist Islamist organisation, the Islamic State, which has established a caliphate in northern Iraq and Syria that it governs by sharia law, SACSIS caught up with Middle East expert, Na'eem Jeenah and put the question to him: "What would it take to defeat ISIS?" Jeenah contends that it will take more than a military response. What is needed to properly defeat ISIS is an...

Iceland's Supreme Court Upholds Jail Sentences of Four Banking Executives

Picture: Javier Soriana Video The Supreme Court of Iceland last Thursday upheld the convictions of four former banking executives charged with market manipulations. Iceland has now convicted the top officers of all three of its major banks. Associate professor of Economics and Law, Bill Black, says Iceland is one of the hardest places in the world to achieve the successful prosecution of banking executives. But, contends Black, if Iceland could do it, the U.S., with all the resources of the FBI and Justice Department,...

The Little Problem I had Renting a House

Picture: TED Video Fifty-three years ago, James A. White Sr. joined the U.S. Air Force. But as an African American man, he had to go to shocking lengths to find a place for his young family to live nearby. In this TED talk, He tells a powerful story about the lived experience of "everyday racism" — and how it echoes today in the way he's had to teach his grandchildren to interact with police. Against the backdrop of Michael Brown's killing in Ferguson and that of Eric Garner, White asks, as a...

The Next Syriza? As Greece Rejects Austerity, Meet the Activist Who Could Become Spain's New Prime Minister

Picture: Pablo Iglesias courtesy Zoom News Video Spanish political party, Podemos, only became an official party last March, but a recent poll by El País found that 28% of the population supports it - enough to possibly win Spain’s next general election. Last May, Podemos surprised many by receiving 1.2 million votes and five seats in the European Parliament. The party grew out of the anti-austerity "indignados" movement that began occupying squares in Spain four years ago. Meet Podemos Secretary General, Pablo...

Recalling Harold Wolpe's Ideas about Race, Class and Power

Picture: Harold Wolpe courtesy Lilliesleaf Video Professor Steven Friedman talks about his new book, "Race, Class and Power: Harold Wolpe and the Radical Critique of Apartheid". In the book, Friedman interrogates Wolpe’s ideas to engage with issues affecting modern-day South Africa. Drawing on Wolpe's work, he argues that the role of private power in South Africa today is important to understand. “Anybody who believes that the future of this country is dependent on one political party isn't paying...