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Why It's Okay to be a 'Moody Bitch'

Video Sometimes being moody is a good thing. For women, small fluctuations in mood allow for a more personal analysis of one's emotions. Expressing these emotions is important, argues psychiatrist Julie Holland who discusses the many benefits of small bad moods and why trying to suppress them through unnatural remedies is not a good idea. “The idea of why being moody can be good for you has to do with taking advantage of one of the biggest assets that women have, which is intuition. Knowing...

How to Flourish in an Age of Distraction

Picture: Analida Cuevas Video Mechanic, philosopher and author of "The Case for Working with Your Hands" and "The World Beyond Your Head", Matthew Crawford, argues that a new frontier of capitalism has been opened (the attention economy), which seeks to dig up and monetize every bit of private headspace. With ever-increasing demands on our attention, how do we focus on what's important? The answer is to stop being passive consumers of manufactured experiences and become people who engage in skilled...

Greece's Yanis Varoufakis: The Medicine of Austerity Is Not Working, We Need a New Treatment

Picture: Yanis Varoufakis courtesy Jörg Rüger/Wikipedia Video With the debt clock ticking, Greece is fast running out of money. The country has ordered all state bodies to place their cash reserves in the nation’s central bank, the Bank of Greece, as it struggles to stay afloat. Greece is supposed to receive the last installment of its bailout funds from European creditors, but the country’s new leftist, anti-austerity Syriza party has expressed concerns about its terms. The creditors are reportedly pressuring the country to restructure...

The Radio Show that Broadcasts from Inside a Mental Hospital

Picture: Sincro Guia TV Video Two decades ago, a psychology student doing his training at one of Argentina's oldest psychiatric wards kept being asked by his family and friends what it was like to work in there. So he came up with an idea: to let the patients explain in their own words. The first radio station to broadcast from inside a mental hospital was born. Radio La Colifata - has been on air from Hospital Jose Borda in Buenos Aires for 23 years. The voices it includes are enough to make anyone in the mainstream...

Finally, a Serious Call for Reparations for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Picture: Pix Shark Video An international summit on reparations for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade took place in New York last week. Participants demanded that European and American governments compensate the descendants of African people for slavery, forced free labor, and systemic racism and discrimination within the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. The New York summit was historic in that 15 Caribbean countries that comprise CARICOM (the Caribbean Community) are finalizing how to extract...

Obama To Remove Cuba from U.S. 'Terror' List

Picture: Presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro courtesy The Boston Pilot Video The White House has announced that President Obama intends to remove Cuba from the U.S. government's list of nations that sponsor terrorism. This issue was discussed by presidents Obama and Castro on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas that took place in Panama City last week. Aviva Chomsky, author of The Cuba Reader and A History of the Cuban Revolution comments on diplomatic developments between the two nations. She argues that the presence of Cuba on the list of state sponsors of...