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Luladinejad: Brazil's Lula and Iran's Ahmadinejad Form an Axis of Business

While Western countries hysterically fuss about an impending ‘nuclear threat’ from Iran - threatening war, sanctions and global isolation - Iran is quietly going about building bridges with other powerful countries in our increasingly multi-polar world. "Luladinejad" is a term coined by journalist Pepe Escobar, to describe the "axis of business" between Brazil and Iran. Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad travelled to Brazil with 200 Iranian businessmen in late...

The Future of Journalism

The future of the profession of journalism appears to be in jeopardy, not only in South Africa, but throughout the world. Local newspapers are posting poor circulation figures, sending jitters throughout the industry, evidenced by an increasing number of articles in the media about the media. Recently, South Africans also witnessed the closure of Business Day's Weekender, a well-known weekly newspaper. Reasons for the print media's misfortune range from the growth of the Internet, to the...

The Angry Mermaid Award

The Angry Mermaid Award is organised by five international nonprofit organisations working in the environmental sector. The award will expose the "company or lobby group doing the most to sabotage effective action on climate change." Among those nominated for the award is South Africa's SASOL. Others on the list of nominees, include Royal Dutch Shell and Monsanto. For the full list of nominees and to cast your vote for the worst corporate climate change culprit, please click...

Gideon Levy on Israel's Addiction to the Occupation of Palestine

Gideon Levy, prominent Israeli journalist who writes for the daily newspaper, Ha'aretz, talks to the Real News Network about Israel's addiction to its occupation of Palestine. Levy says: "I think that Israel needs an adult who will save it from its own addiction to the occupation. It needs a guide who would push or lead or any other way to take us out from the impossible situation that we are stuck in. And therefore I think that this balance of power, this really twisted relationship...

Naomi Klein: Rich Countries Should Pay Reparations for Climate Change

The upcoming Copenhagen Climate Conference is being positioned by the United Nations as the now or never event for the world to secure a global agreement on addressing climate change, as it urges countries from both the developed and developing world to "Seal the Deal." Great emphasis is being placed on the urgency of resolving the crisis, as further delays on a global compact will spell certain disaster for countries of the South disproportionately affected by global warming....

Trailer: The End of Poverty?

Narrated by actor and activist Martin Sheen, "The End of Poverty?" is "the first film to explain how our economic system has created poverty and why it is the foundation for the current economic crisis." "With so much wealth in the world, why is there so much poverty?" is the crucial question posed by this documentary as it delves into the relationship between the developed and developing worlds. A film critic describes the evidence it presents as an...