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Howard Zinn on his Philosophy: Democratic Socialism

Howard Zinn was a giant on the American left and best known for his 1980 non-fiction novel, "A People's History of the United States," which rewrote American history from the perspective of the poor and dispossessed. The dissident author and political activist died on 27 January 2010 at the age of 87. His book was made into a documentary, "The People Speak," by well known actor Matt Damon (executive producer) and debuted on the History Channel in December 2009....

Sundance Founder Robert Redford on His Life, His Activism and the Importance of Independent Films

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now  spends an hour with Robert Redford. Redford is well known as an actor, but part and parcel of who he is is an activist. He took his success and leveraged it to promote his real passions: environmental justice, Native American rights and independent filmmaking. Since 1980, through the Sundance Film Festival and the Sundance Institute, Robert Redford has helped independent voices develop their craft - in film, theater and music - and reach new audiences. To...

Obama's Human Rights Record

When Barack Obama became president of America he promised that the Guantanamo Bay prison would be closed in a year. One year later, Guantanamo is still open with seemingly no end in sight for its 242 inmates. Michael Ratner, president of the Centre for Constitutional Rights in America, denounces Obama’s human rights record in relation to the Guantanamo situation. Ratner notes his disappointment (and anger) that Obama has not done enough to break with the legacy of the Bush...

Extreme Skyscrapers: Precursors to Recession

Dubbed the "half-mile high tower," at 828 metres, Dubai's recently completed Burj Khalifa is the world's newest tallest building. Professor Philip Goad, Professor of Architecture at the University of Melbourne, Australia, argues, "Modern skyscrapers are simply 'very large consumer objects' that value excess over practicality and often indicate approaching economic doom. High-rises like the new Burj Khalifa in Dubai are a 'result of too much money...and too...

Landmark Apartheid Reparations Case Underway in American Federal Appeals Court

A landmark case against several international corporations accused of aiding South Africa’s apartheid regime is underway. The companies include Daimler AG, General Motors, Ford Motor Company and IBM. They are accused in a class-action lawsuit of complicity in human rights abuses during the years they did business in apartheid South Africa. The suit was filed several years ago by black victims of white minority rule. Their lawyers are seeking up to $400 billion in compensation....

Israeli Repression Wave Targets Human Rights Activists

Israeli repression against human rights activists has increased since Palestinian civil society started pushing for the adoption of the Goldstone Report, the Real News Network reports. It is believed that the repression is planned. Night raids, kidnappings and arrests have led to the detention of many prominent human rights activists in recent months. Israel currently holds 7,122 Palestinian political prisoners in detention. Since its occupation of the West bank in 1967, Israel has set up...