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US Finance Bill Lacks Power to Curb Wall Street

Video In Washington, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has made a deal with broker-dealer, Goldman Sachs, who will pay a fine of US$550 million to settle a fraud charge brought against the firm. The SEC brought charges against Goldman for secretly betting against its own clients in the US housing crash of 2008. Goldman entered into the settlement without admitting or denying the SEC’s allegations. Paul Jay of the Real News Network talks to Gerald Epstein, professor of economics and...

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Parodies South African Race Relations

Video The Daily Show with Jon Stewart airs on American television network, Comedy Central. The show recently sent a crew to South Africa to report on the World Cup and human drama surrounding the event. Comedian Jon Stewart's sidekick, John Oliver, went in search of racism and found it in the company of avowed white supremacist, Dan Roodt. In a hysterical interview, Oliver, completely straight faced, baits the unsuspecting Roodt who needs little encouragement to disclose his depraved...

Does the Internet Discourage Deep Thinking?

Video Apparently so. Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows says neuroscientists have found that there are certain types of activities that have particular influences on our brains. And, the fast paced and intensely repetitive nature of our behavior on the Internet is having a negative effect on our ability to think deeply and reflectively. Because of the way many of us use the Internet, we are reinforcing those mental functions that make us good at skimming and scanning. This is not necessarily a...

Hilarious Send-up of K'naan's Waving Flag by the Playing Fields Connective

Video On 6 July 2010, K'naan rocked 25,000 fans at Durban's FIFA Fan Fest with his world cup anthem, Waving Flag. But a super talented international collaboration, the Playing Fields Connective have produced a delightful send-up of the song titled Wavering Flag. The collaboration of progressive artists debunk many myths about the World Cup in this genuinely entertaining, humorous and intelligent commentary about the exploitative mega event.

Globalisation Boosts Religious Fundamentalism

Video In almost every major religion in the world, there has been a growth of the fundamentalist wings in the past 25-30 years. This includes Christianity, Islam, Judaism and even Hinduism. James F. Hoge Jr. contends  that something is happening at a systems level and hypothesizes that religious fundamentalism is on the rise as a consequence of globalization. Hoge is editor of Foreign Affairs, a forum for the discussion of American foreign policy and international affairs.

Oliver Stone and Tariq Ali on the Sea Change in Latin American Leadership

Video Award winning director, Oliver Stone, and activist historian, Tariq Ali, talk about the sea change in Latin American leadership and economic reforms on the continent while promoting Stone’s latest documentary South of the Border, co-written by Ali. Latin America is the only continent on the planet where a number of countries reject neoliberal economics. According to Stone, former Argentinean president, Néstor Kirchner, was the first president to reject neoliberal economics --...