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Noam Chomsky: Obama is Building Up for a War against Iran

Video Renowned linguist and political critic, Noam Chomsky, delivered an address by pre-recorded video to the attendees of the United National Peace Conference in Albany, New York on July 24, 2010. Amongst broader issues related to America’s military offensive in the Middle East, Chomsky argues that the US is gearing up for a war against Iran. Noam Chomsky: The US is now fighting two wars of aggression in Asia and is planning a third. Military spending is escalating to unprecedented heights...

Committing Class Treason to Save the World

Video The Pinky Show examines power, structure and agency with respect to where we are located within the global system of injustice as well as how our values and behaviour perpetuate it. Essentially targeted at middle class audiences in the first world, this episode of the Pinky Show makes essential viewing for privileged people all over the world. The beauty of the Pinky Show lies in its ability to deconstruct complex issues with measured simplicity that is, at the same time, hugely...

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti: The Reality of Life in Palestine

Video In a speech to an international audience, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative presents the reality of the situation in Palestine.  He traces the history of the dispossession of Palestinian land in past decades and more recently the carving up of the West Bank as Jewish settlements expand into Palestinian territories. Barghouti's presentation includes maps that graphically demonstrate the displacement of Palestinians and the shrinking of their...

The Global Superclass: Who Keeps Their Power in Check?

Video Wealthy, influential, international and highly networked is how the elite of the world are described by Al Jazeera's Marwan Bishar. These people have so much money and power that they transcend the laws of national governments, operating at a completely different level according to a set of rules, defined largely by themselves.  In the last three decades, the global economy, global governance and global accountability has increasingly been shaped by a few tightly networked individuals...

This Is not a Joke, Its for Real: The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

Video A satirical take on the Obama presidency, but also an advertisement for what appears to be an actual product: The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit.  President Barack Obama has not followed through on his towering rhetoric of change for ordinary Americans. And while this product may have its origins in conservative America, at least one left leaning American commentator feels that it "might sadly have a market among disaffected progressives."

The Food Bubble: How Goldman Sachs Starved 250 Million People and Got Away With It

Video Watch part two of this interview here. While Goldman Sachs agreed to pay $550 million to resolve a civil fraud lawsuit filed by the US Securities Exchange Commission, Goldman has not been held accountable for many of its other questionable investment practices. A new article in Harper’s Magazine examines the role Goldman played in the food crisis of 2008 when the ranks of the world’s hungry increased by 250 million. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales of Democracy Now...