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Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef: Economists Don't Understand Poverty

Video Watch part two of this interview here. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks to the acclaimed Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef, who won the Right Livelihood Award (the alternative Nobel Prize) in 1983, two years after the publication of his book Outside Looking In: Experiences in Barefoot Economics. Max-Neef explains how he came to understand and conceptualize what barefoot economics is. MANFRED MAX-NEEF: It's a metaphor, but a metaphor that originated in a concrete experience. I worked...

Vandana Shiva on MDGs and Food Security

Video Last week more than 140 countries met at the United Nations (UN), to track progress on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Despite UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, taking a more optimistic view, a UN report earlier this year contends that most MDGs will not be met by 2015. The area lagging furthest behind in meeting MDGs is sub-Saharan Africa. There are more than one billion hungry people worldwide. A key target of the UN is to end world poverty and hunger, amongst other...

Legendary British Author John le Carre on Why He Won't Be Reading Tony Blair's Iraq War-Defending Memoir

Video David Cornwell, the legendary British novelist who writes under the name John le Carré, is interviewed by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now in London. A former British spy, his books include The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and The Constant Gardener. On the heels of the publication of British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Iraq war-defending memoir, A Journey, le Carré explains why he refused to interview Blair and why he won’t be reading his...

Ending Hunger: Will the Free Market Ever Really Care?

Video Professor George Kent of the University of Hawaii challenges the idea that hunger is a result of resource scarcity. It is a misrepresentation that all of us want to see hunger abolished, says Kent, as he argues further that hunger is about indifference and exploitation. Under the the current economic model based on the market system, there is no good reason to end hunger. Kent is of the view that "solving the hunger problem requires transcending current simplistic understandings...

11th Annual Steve Biko Lecture by Alice Walker

Video American, author, poet and activist, Alice Walker delivered the 11th Annual Steve Biko Lecture at the University of Cape Town on 13 September 2010.  In her speech reflecting on South Africa, Walker said, "I have seen the hovels, the shacks, the unpaved roads, the unkempt children on one side of Johannesburg, and the mansions with the highest walls I have ever seen around dwellings on another. What to make of this? What to make of the words of your Constitution, in which you profess...

The US Government and the 9/11 Tragedy: Negligence or Intent?

Video Nine years ago the 9/11 events took place leading to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Millions of people around the world don't believe they know the real story behind 9/11. Helping The Real News Network (TRNN) to analyze it is Lawrence Wilkerson, formerly Colin Powell's chief of staff. In this discussion which debates whether there was real intent to allow 9/11 to happen or if it simply took place due to gross negligence on the part of the US administration (given that there was so much...