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China's New World Order

Picture: President of the People Video China is sitting on a mountain of cash and there is speculation that the country is going on a trillion dollar spending spree. Jonathan Fenby, managing director of China Researcher, says that there’s going to be big outward investment from China into resources in Africa and Latin America. Meanwhile whilst making plans to revive the old silk route from East to West, China is also buying up companies around the world. China’s president, Xi Jinping, is considered to be the most...

The Art of Stillness

Picture: TED Video The place that travel writer Pico Iyer would most like to go? Nowhere. In a counter-intuitive and lyrical meditation, Iyer takes a look at the incredible insight that comes with taking time for stillness. In our world of constant movement and distraction, he teases out strategies we all can use to take back a few minutes out of every day, or a few days out of every season. It’s the talk for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the demands of our world. It’s the perfect talk to...

Best of SACSIS: The Relationship between Labour and Civil Society in the Struggle for Social Justice

Picture: SACSIS Video The National Union of Metalworkers’ of South Africa (Numsa) is set to host a preparatory assembly for the launch of its United Front on 13 and 14 December 2014 in Johannesburg. Just over a fortnight ago, the United Front’s coordinator Dinga Sikwebu, talked about the aims and objectives of the front at an international seminar exploring the theme, “The Relationship between Labour and Civil Society in the Struggle for Social Justice”. Delegates from as far afield as...

Dinga Sikwebu on Numsa's Expulsion from Cosatu and Reasons for the Launch of the United Front

Picture: SACSIS Video On November, 22 at a panel discussion co-hosted by SACSIS and Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), Dinga Sikwebu, co-ordinator of Numsa's United Front talked to an international audience about the metalworkers' union expulsion from Cosatu, saying that the reason underpinning its expulsion was that Numsa took a decision that Cosatu should break its relationship with the ruling ANC because South Africa needed an independent trade union movement. Sikwebu argued, "the people at Cosatu expelled...

How Climate Jobs Can Offer Decent Work to South Africans

Picture: SACSIS Video At a recent seminar, Brian Ashley, director of the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), said that we are facing the mother of all crises in climate change. Importantly, if we are to keep global warming below two degrees celsius, 70% of fossil fuels must stay below the earth's surface. This makes the transition to a low carbon economy vital for South Africa. But how do you convince thousands of jobless South Africans with a low carbon footprint, as a consequence of their...

Coal, Nuclear & Gas Lobbies Hold Back Progress Made on Carbon Policy in SA

Picture: SACSIS Video South Africa has made good progress on climate policy, but that could be held up by a new emerging political economy in the country that can only be described as "more coal, more nuclear, and more gas", said Saliem Fakir of the WWF at a seminar, which explored the potential for a transition to a clean energy economy. Sadly for South Africans, while there is an understanding of the level of carbon intensity in the country, we are only likely to shift towards a low carbon economy...