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Slavoj Zizek: Far Right and Anti-Immigrant Politicians on the Rise in Europe

Video German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a gathering of young members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union party this weekend that multiculturalism has utterly failed. A recent German poll found 13 percent of Germans would welcome the arrival of a new "Führer," and more than a third of Germans feel the country is "overrun by foreigners." Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks to the world-renowned Slovenian philosopher, psychoanalyst and cultural theorist Slavoj...

Does Democracy Need the News?

Video John Nichols political journalist for "The Nation Magazine" and author of the book, "The Death and Life of American Journalism," says, as a country, America is very good at exporting its pathologies. As a result, the culling of journalists is playing out in every country in the world and having a negative impact on the quality and quantity of traditional journalism. This is a worrying development because journalism is intricately linked to democracy. There is nowhere in...

What Alfred Nobel Really Wanted His Peace Prize to Achieve

Video The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to jailed Chinese human rights activist, Liu Xiaobo, has raised tension between China and the West. Xiabo advocates for human rights, freedom of expression and democracy in China and his activism has resulted in an 11-year jail sentence for what has been described as "subversion" by the Chinese government. The Nobel Peace Committee, awarded Xiabo the peace prize for using non-violence to demand human rights, raising China's ire....

Sharply Contrasting Reactions to Austerity Programmes in Europe and America

Video Militant protests have erupted across Europe over governments' austerity programmes. The European population is angered that they are being forced to pay for a crisis that they did not create. The news that jobs would be cut, pensions frozen and wages lowered, fired up the masses in Europe. Europeans have overcome their cultural and language differences in a common struggle against austerity programmes.  In a historic event, coordinated strikes and demonstrations have occurred in...

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

Video Wal-Mart is about to arrive in South Africa. Its imminent establishment highlights serious concerns about the company's impact on South African labour rights. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price is a feature length documentary that uncovers the retail giant's assault on families in America, where Wal-Mart's workers are among the most impoverished workers in the country. The film dives into the personal stories and everyday lives of families and communities struggling to fight...

Venezuela Election, Victory or Setback for Chavez?

Video In recent days, the Venezuelan people elected a new national assembly. The Socialist Party led by Hugo Chavez and the opposition party, under the banner of Democratic Unity, more or less split the vote with a slight one percent advantage to the Socialist Party. Paul Jay of the Real News Network speaks with Gregory Wilpert, editor of, to make sense of this latest development in Venezuelan politics. Is this a win or a lose for Chavez? According to Wilpert,...