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Nic Dawes: The Media Is Pretty Bad at Covering the Economy, But...

Video Nic Dawes, Editor in Chief of the Mail & Guardian newspaper speaking about how the media reports on the economy in South Africa. Dawes delivered this presentation at a roundtable discussion co-hosted by SACSIS and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung South Africa Office (FES). Dawes started of by saying that the media is not very good at covering the economy. He conceded that there are indeed deficiencies in how the media treats issues that relate to the lives of the poor and the policies...

Reg Rumney: Focusing Only on the Social Responsibility Aspect of Journalism Can Lead You Astray

Video Reg Rumney, Head of the Centre for Economics Journalism in Africa, Rhodes University, speaking about how the media reports on the economy in South Africa. Rumney argued that the media does not have a common vision for South Africa's economic development as it is not a homogenous entity. He also said that focusing only on the social responsibility aspect of the media and neglecting the financial or market aspect of it can lead you astray. Rumney spoke at  length...

Axel Schmidt: The Misunderstanding between the Media and Civil Society

Video Axel Schmidt, Resident Representative of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Office in South Africa, speaking about the misunderstanding between the media and civil society in his opening remarks at a roundtable discussion, which sought to probe how the South African media reports on the economy. Schmidt explained that there is an increasing need for fresh discussion and for organisations to identify shared interests. At a recent gathering regarding the 2010 Media Barometer that is developed...

Fazila Farouk: The Media has Polarised the Debate on the Economy

Video Fazila Farouk, Executive Director of the South African Civil Society Information Service talks about how the media has polarised the debate on the economy between the left and the right in her opening remarks at a roundtable discussion, which sought to probe how the South African media reports on the economy. The event, held in mid September was co-hosted by SACSIS, and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung South Africa Office. Farouk explained that SACSIS is a social justice news agency...

Johannesburg's Fresh Water Supply at Risk

West of Johannesburg, Robinson Lake used to be enjoyed for recreational activities. It has now been abandoned due to its high sulphuric acid content. Robinson Lake is a graphic example, above ground, of what is happening below the ground to Johannesburg's water table as a result of acid mine drainage.   There are thousands of deep abandoned mines in the wider Johannesburg region, each filled with rain water that reacts with exposed rock to create a poisonous blend of acid and heavy...

The News According to Riaan Cruywagen

Video "Don't Shoot" is a short film that takes an idiosyncratic look at Afrikaans newsreader, Riaan Cruywagen, who's been reading the news since 1976, and even holds the world record for being the longest serving Afrikaans newsreader in the world. It's an offbeat take of a worldview that takes us on a journey from the heyday of apartheid to the dawn of democracy -- and must be viewed as much for its historic value as for its tragic-comic assessment.