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Months After Tsunami, Japan Admits Three Nuclear Meltdowns and Doubles Estimate of Radiation Leaked

Video Almost three months after the earthquake and tsunami that triggered a nuclear disaster in Japan, new radiation "hot spots" may require the evacuation of more areas further from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility. Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency recently admitted for the first time that full nuclear meltdowns occurred at three of the plant’s reactors, and more than doubled its estimate for the amount of radiation that leaked from the plant...

Building an Online Museum of Museums

Video Ever wish you lived in a city that hosted great art museums? Wish no more. A bright young man from Google has invented an online "museum of museums," so anybody with Internet access can explore some of the best museums in the world and view some of the most famous artworks ever produced.  Amit Sood, creator of the Google Art Project, negotiated with 17 museums from nine countries, among them the Tate in Britain and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, to make their artworks...

Freedom for Palestine, the Song by OneWorld

Video A group of international musicians has released a new single by OneWorld, with all proceeds going to UK Charity War on Want for projects in Palestine. The song features Maxi Jazz (Faithless), Dave Randall (Slovo/Faithless), LSK, the Durban Gospel Choir, Jamie Catto (1 Giant Leap) and musicians from around the world. Find the "Disco Nutter Mix" by Yasen Velchev here. Find the "Drum & Bass Mix"  by Dan Birch here.

Social Media on the Internet: Are You a Lurker?

Video Is there a type of person that critically engages in social media? There appears to be a 1-9-90 rule. In any social media, one percent of people are absolute power users. Nine percent are casual users and 90% are just lurkers. If one looks at the entire web audience, roughly 10% will contribute to the content. Six percent actually create the content. 

Goldman and Gaddafi: Bank Gambles Away US$1.3bn Worth of Libya's Sovereign Funds

Video Investment bank, Goldman Sachs gambled away more than a billion dollars that Libya had invested in it. The company and the dictator Muammar Gaddafi were firm financial friends in 2008. Goldman offered Gaddafi the chance to become a huge shareholder in the company - but only after losing US$1.3bn of Libya's sovereign wealth fund in just a few months in a bet on European banks and energy companies whose stocks plunged.  When the fund nearly emptied, Goldman offered to recoup losses in...

What the Internet Is Hiding from You

Video The internet is increasingly becoming an echo chamber in which websites tailor information according to the preferences they detect in each viewer. When some users search the word “Egypt,” they may get the latest news about the revolution, others might only see search results about the pyramids. The top 50 websites collect an average of 64 bits of personal information each time we visit—and then custom-design their sites to conform to our perceived preferences. What impact...