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Inside Greek's General Strike: Video Report From Athens As Thousands Protest Sweeping Austerity Cuts

Video As this Democracy Now broadcast went to air, lawmakers in Greece were voting on — and later approved — a new round of sweeping austerity measures amidst a general strike that’s brought tens of thousands into the streets. Riot police have fired volleys of tear gas, smoke bombs and stun grenades in a bid to clear the masses of Greek protesters surrounding the parliament in Athens. The chaotic standoff began Tuesday when police stormed the adjacent Syntagma Square, where...

Leaked WikiLeaks Cables Expose US Suppression of Minimum Wage in Haiti

Video Drawing on almost 2,000 classified U.S. diplomatic cables on Haiti released by WikiLeaks, a partnership between The Nation magazine and the Haitian weekly, Haïti Liberté, exposes new details on how Fruit of the Loom, Hanes and Levi’s worked with the United States to block an increase in the minimum wage in the hemisphere’s poorest nation, how business owners and members of the country’s elite used Haiti’s police force as their own private army after the...

Trailer: You Don't Like the Truth - 4 Days Inside Guantanamo

Video You Don't Like the Truth - 4 days inside Guantánamo is a documentary based on security camera footage from the Guantánamo Bay prison. According to the makers of this documentary, "This encounter between a team of Canadian intelligence agents and a child detainee in Guantánamo has never before been seen. Based on seven hours of video footage recently declassified by the Canadian courts this documentary delves into the unfolding high-stakes game of cat and mouse...

Obama Plan for Afghan War Withdrawal Will Leave Troop Size at Pre-Surge Levels

Video US President, Barack Obama’s plan to draw down US troops in Afghanistan still leaves more in the country than when he came into office. In a televised address, Obama said he will also bring home another 23,000 troops by the end of summer in 2012, leaving around 70,000 military forces, plus thousands of contractors. Democracy Now discusses the longest war in US history with Gareth Porter, an investigative journalist and historian specializing in US national security policy....

Recognising the Rights of Domestic Workers

Video South Africa's Myrtle Witbooi, chairperson of the Domestic Workers' Network, rallies support in the run up to the adoption of the "Convention Concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers" at the International Labour Organsiation earlier this month in Geneva. Speaking on behalf of domestic workers, Witbooi, said, "We have come here to claim our rights. To be reconginsed as human beings and to give us back our dignity as women, because after all, the women that we work...

Thousands of Greeks Say No to Austerity

Video The Greek Cabinet recently approved a tough five-year plan that called for 78 billion Euros in budget cuts.  Opposition groups and unions called a general strike on 15 June 2011 to protest against these austerity measures introduced by the Greek government in response to demands made by the EU and international banks.  Hundred of thousands of people heeded the call and occupied "Constitution Square" in Athens. Paul Jay from The Real News Network (TRNN) talks with...