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Egyptians Fill Tahrir Square For Largest Protest Since Fall of Mubarak

Video On Friday, 8 July 2011, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians gathered in Cairo’s Tahrir Square for what could be the largest demonstration since the uprising that toppled former president, Hosni Mubarak. They say there has been little progress on reforms promised in the five months since the uprising. Democracy Now correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous provides a live update from Tahrir Square. "There is a sense the revolution is being stolen from beneath people’s feet...

Julian Assange and Slavoj Zizek in Conversation

Video WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared in London July 2 for an unusual conversation with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, moderated by Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman. Assange is currently under house arrest in Norfolk, outside London, awaiting a July 12 appeals hearing on his pending extradition to Sweden for questioning on sexual misconduct allegations. He has not been charged with a crime in any country. In this excerpt from Saturday’s discussion, Zizek and Assange respond...

Our Lovely Charlene Wittstock Is Married to a Monarch Who Presides over a Tax Haven that Prioritizes Wealth and Opulence above All Else

Video This Euronews report contends that the late Prince Rainier III of Monaco started a new chapter in the principality's history: one of glamour and wealth -- but also one of money laundering and tax evasion. When the global financial crisis highlighted "tax havens" as a major concern, his heir, the current sovereign monarch of Monaco, Prince Albert II (recently wed to South African Charlene Wittstock) signed accords with the OECD promising more transparency. However, it appears that...

David Harvey: Greece Should Default

Video On 29 June 2011, the Greek parliament passed a series of austerity measures, as thousands of people outside protested against the measures. Would defaulting on the country's debt have been so bad for the people of Greece? David Harvey, Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York, discusses whether the government of Greece had an alternative to austerity measures. The Greeks should have defaulted, he says. What they are doing now is awful. There will be no economic growth...

The State of Global Poverty

Video Professor Peter Singer of Princeton University, author of the book, The Life You Can Save, talks about how understanding selfishness can help us fashion a better society. Singer has developed a 7-step plan to make the world a better place. One of the measures he suggests is that you make a commitment to share some of your income with some of the world's poorest people. Find a transcript of Singer's input below, courtesy of Big Think. QUESTION: Will the economic crisis help us reevaluate our...

WikiLeaks Parodies 'Priceless' MasterCard Advertisement

Video Parodying the "priceless" MasterCard advertisements, WikiLeaks releases their latest promotional advertisement. MasterCard is one of four companies that suspended services to WikiLeaks making it difficult for the organization's supporters to donate funds in the aftermath of Julian Assange's arrest on alleged sexual assault charges.